Saturday, February 12, 2011

Herbal Versus OTC Acne Treatments For Adults

Conventional treatments for acne work very well.  These include cleansing agents made from benzoyl peroxide and other compounds.  Antibiotic medications can also be taken orally or applied directly to the skin.   There are several other considerations to think about when treating your acne.  A diet of whole unprocessed foods may be beneficial.  Try to eat your daily servings of fruits and vegetables.  This not only promotes a healthy body but a healthy skin as well.    Some other suggestions include increasing the amount of omega-3 fatty acids consumed, as well as drinking 8-10 glasses of water per day.
Vitamins and nutritional supplements can also help.  Many experts believe vitamin A may help reduce sebum production.   Zinc gluconate and zinc sulfate are also though to decrease the outbreak of acne.    It is believed by many to help heal blemishes, reduce inflammation, and promote hormonal balance.
One popular herbal blend used to treat acne consists of equal parts of sarsaparilla, yellow dock, and cleavers.  These herbs are thought to prevent breakouts.  A teaspoon of the blend is taken early in the morning with a glass of water.    Application of tea tree oil to affected areas are also thought to eliminate bacteria and reduce inflammation.  This can be purchased at homeopathic shops online.   The research on these herbal treatments isn't always conclusive.  Many times, quality research is nonexistent.  For this reason, you should seek out the advice of a qualified health professional, such as a dermatologist, before starting a treatment regimen.  They can give you advice and will help you decide which treatment options are right for you.

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