Friday, March 11, 2011

How to Get Feminine Odor Relief Today Using Home Remedies

For feminine odor problems, there are tons of home remedies that you can start using today that will give you some relief. You can make prescription medicine a thing of the past and you can start to feel better. Homeopathic remedies can be your end all solution as long as you are using the right ones.

Some women will go overboard and they will use natural remedies the wrong way, and this ends up making things a whole lot worse. You need to treat your body with care right now because you have an infection that you need to treat. Using harsh products on your body or other remedies that are harmful will do more damage than good. You need to learn what some of the best home remedies are to get feminine odor relief.

Apple cider vinegar is a great way to get feminine odor relief. You can either dabble some on a washcloth and gently cleanse your vagina by hand, or you can douche the vagina with the mixture as well. No matter what method you choose, it is going to work to give you some relief and to take away the smell. Using regular vinegar can be a little too strong and might irritate your genital area, so apple cider vinegar is a great substitute and it still gets the job done.

Another home remedy for vaginal odor relief is to use parsley. Parsley has qualities about it that neutralize odors and kill bacteria. If you have ever chewed up a piece of parsley after eating a meal filled with garlic, then you will notice how it neutralizes those odors and gives you some relief. Parsley can also neutralize your vaginal odors and help to get rid of the fishy smell. Simply insert a small leaf of parsley into your vagina and let it do all of the work for you. If you are uncomfortable with inserting it into your body, then place a smell leaf inside of your underwear as you continue on with your day. Either way, you are going to get some feminine odor relief and the smell will slowly start to disappear.

Remember to wash more often during this time so you can keep the area clean. With any infection, keeping the area clean in a safe and healthy manner will help to make your feminine odor go away faster and definitely give you some relief that you can take comfort in.

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