For men suffering from hair loss, there is hope that hair loss can be slowed, stopped, and even reversed. Many products and techniques have enabled men to improve the quantity and quality of their hair and the health of their scalp from the comfort of their own home.
Many companies have combined the best in scientific advances regarding hair loss with cutting edge technology to create ground-breaking products that can be used in the convenience of home. One product which uses a two step programme called the Advanced Hair and Scalp Fitness Programme, or AHS-FP for short, begins with an advanced laser comb. It has certification and approval from the FDA. The idea behind this is that strong and vibrant new hair follicles begin to invade and drive out the glaring bald spots that you have been trying for years to eliminate. The laser comb stimulates the health of the scalp especially, hair follicles.
Another solution that hair loss clinics offer is that of a laser comb which is combined with a specially formulated mixture of herbs and chemicals to prevent any more hair loss and stimulate hair growth. The next step is use of a scientifically optimised shampoo that contains wheat amino acids, serenoa, and other ingredients that not only increase the amount of hairs on the scalp, but also amplify the hairs you do have to make them appear fuller, with a more youthful sheen.
Other things that can increase the health of your hair are drugs such as finasteride. Men should always be aware to check whether a product has many side effects as some are now being shown to cause sexual dysfunction in some men. What begins as treatment for hair loss then becomes treatment for sexual dysfunction, and the treatment for this might have side effects too. Using drugs to treat conditions that are best left to natural herbs, specially designed shampoos, or advanced technological products has this rather large downside.
Not only are there so many negative side effects, but some products simply don't work for many people. It's important to find the right product for you.
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