Saturday, May 14, 2011

The Truths About Hardening Of The Arteries In The Legs

Hardening of the arteries in the legs, medically termed as Peripheral Arterial Disease or PAD, is a serious condition that requires immediate medical attention. A type of atherosclerosis, PAD can lead to strokes, aneurysm of the aorta, and premature death. That is why, massive information campaigns are being done to make people aware of the consequences of untreated or mismanaged PAD. PAD commonly occurs in people between the age 65 and 74, and many of the cases go undiagnosed until the later stages because some of the signs and symptoms can easily be dismissed as only part of the ageing process.

Individuals who fondly smoke cigarettes, drink alcohol, stuff themselves with unhealthy fat, and those who are obese and have high blood pressure and diabetes need to observe themselves closely for leg pain. People suspected with PAD will experience leg pain when walking or doing any activity that requires them to use their legs but the pain usually stops when the individual also stops the activity. Hardening of the arteries in the legs may also present with numbness or coldness of the lower legs and feet. Some patients report tingling sensations and leg sores that take time to heal.

Submitting to diagnostic tests is always a good idea, especially when you are at high risk for developing PAD, even though you may not necessarily be experiencing the classic signs and symptoms of PAD just yet. There is what is called the ABI test that will help to confirm if you have PAD or not. Short for Ankle Brachial Index, ABI measures the blood pressure in the legs and compares it with the blood pressure taken in the arms. Significant discrepancies may warrant additional examinations to confirm the diagnosis of PAD. It is vital that diagnosis is made as soon as possible so treatments can be started right away in order to arrest the problem and prevent any major complications.

Patients with PAD are often advised to change their lifestyle habits. It is highly recommended that they make wiser food choices that include lots of fresh greens, fruits, and fiber. Saturated fat and trans fat must be kept to a minimum or eliminated completely. It has to be emphasized that fats, cholesterol and calcium deposits are no longer able to pass through the walls of the artery because of the injury to the interior lining of the arterial walls, so eating foods that are high in cholesterol and fats will only lead to the accumulation of these substances in the arterial walls, forming plaque, and further hardening and narrowing the arterial walls. 

PAD patients must control their weight through a healthy diet and exercise. Their blood pressure and sugar levels must be monitored and regulated as well. PAD patients who happen to be cigarette smokers must kick their smoking habit out if they want to improve not just the quality but length of their life. In more serious cases, patients diagnosed with hardening of the arteries in the legs may need to undergo antiplatelet therapy or ACE inhibitor therapy.

Friday, May 13, 2011

How to Treat Pimples on the Cheap and Keep It Natural

Acne is not a permanent feature and you can definitely have a blemish free face if you follow some simple steps for natural treatment to get rid of acne.
If you don't have face acne, your skin might tend to accumulate acne on the buttocks area. In this case, you should keep your body clean and change your underwear often. You need to change your underwear as often as three times per day.
This natural remedy for acne is simple enough. The premise behind it the idea that if you drink a sufficient amount of water per day, your body is cleansed of elements of toxicity that can actually contribute to the development and spread of acne. It also should be noted, that many natural remedies not only recommend to merely drink plain old ordinary water, but actually adding herbal ingredients by boiling fenugreek seeds and corn into the water.
Never repeat the use of a pillowcase in 2 days, always change them nightly so get 7 clean ones. Be conscious of how they are folded to ensure you sleep on the unexposed side upon unfolding the pillowcases.
To make more positive improvements in your skin, you can do a sauna once a week. It will be helpful to open the clogged pores in your butt area. Find a good time in the weekend to go to your local sauna.
A mixture of nutmeg powder with unboiled milk when applied on the affected area regularly also helps to cure acne. Cinnamon powder mixes with honey is equally effective in curing acne. Boiled neem leaves when applied on acne acts as a disinfectant. The infected area should be washed with anti acne soap at least three to four times a day.
Try to sleep on your right side. Besides making your sleep more refreshing, this practice ensures that you keep your face off of the pillow and freer to breathe during the night. As an added benefit, your heart functions much better as you are not putting pressure on it based on this position of the body during sleep.
Bulbine frutescence is indigenous to South Africa and is widely used as a home remedy and by traditional healers for the skin. Commonly called Bulbinella, bulbine is effective in supporting skin health and is highly recommended for the natural first aid kit, Its clear and soothing gel forms an invisible 'seal' over the skin, providing ongoing skin conditioning and support throughout the day.

Naturally Cure Acne Fast At Home

Acne is a common skin problem that is experienced by many individuals. Acne also occurs in many forms and is often severe amongst young adults. There are many things you can do to get of your acne once and for all. They all take a little discipline on your part. But once you change your routine a little, your acne will surely be gone for good.
When bathing, use shower and eliminate oils and dirt throughout your body using natural soap. You may also use sulphur soap because it is good to treat your butt acne. You can find this soap in your local store quite easily.
your daily consumption of water should be minimum of eight to ten glasses. This helps us to detox our system and kill harmful bacteria that cause acne. Too much of oily food also leads to acne, so fried and spicy food should be strictly avoided. Including chromium in your diet also helps to cure acne. There should be a combination of right nutritional balance and proper skin care.
Wash your hair with a mild shampoo every night especially if you use greasy hair products, or use a wrap-around nightcap that covers the hair and ensure the cap is washed every morning.
Hepar sulphuris calcareum (30C) is a chemical combination of two remedies, Calcarea carbonica and Sulphur. Where suppuration seems inevitable, Hepar sulphuris may help to open an abscess. Skin affections of the Hepar sulphuris patient are extremely sensitive to the touch, often surrounded by little pimples or pustules spread by coalescing.
Drink more water and have enough sleep every night. Do not stress yourself with lack of sleep. You need to give your body the proper time to heal itself. Drinking plenty of water is also important to keep your body hydrated and free of toxins.
Hot/Cold Compresses - A chief natural remedy that is recommended more often than not is the usage of hot and cold wet towel compresses to reduce swelling and eliminate clogged pores--the major culprit in the production of acne.
Make frequent visits to the steam room of a gymnasium or you can steam the face at home as an alternative. The aim here is to aid the skin in eliminating toxins through sweating.

Does Fish Oil Help Acne-Yes-Here's Why

It may sound crazy to ask does fish oil help acne but if you've tried everything else what can it hurt right? The truth is it's filled with good for you nutrients called omega 3 fatty acids.
Studies show these fatty acids can help acne. At first blush, you wouldn't think adding more oil to your skin would help get rid of acne--usually acne suffers have too much oil in their skin already. Yet, it can do just that.
How Does Fish Oil Help Acne?
It is the omega-3 fatty acids and the vitamins contained in the oil itself that act as an anti-inflammatory, drastically reducing the red puffy marks which acne produces. These simple ingredients makes your skin smoother because it hydrates the skin cells.
Fish oil also works to balance out hormones as well resulting in fewer flareups when used on a daily basis. 
Plus, it helps to keep you in a positive mood so you're less stressed. This affects reduces your acne because less stress means less sebum production. It's too much sebum that can clog up your pores and cause breakouts.
Here's How to Start
You can start by washing your face before bed with a good face wash. Then, open a fish oil capsule (you can cut it with a knife or just squeeze) and squeeze the oil onto your face. Gently spread it across your face or just on the acne blemishes and let it soak in overnight.
Then, swallow a capsule to make sure you have the nutrients working inside you as well. This oil is full of DHA and EPA which is necessary for your health on many levels. Besides helping reduce acne, it makes your skin soft and smooth because it balances the moisture in your skin.
Through regular face cleansing to remove dirt and make up that can clog pores and cause blackheads and regularly ingesting 1-2 1000 mg fish oil supplements, you can see a big reduction in your acne.
Choosing the Best Oil
There are tons of fish oil supplements on the market and you do want to be aware of what you're ingesting. Some supplements have been found to have high levels of mercury and other toxins and those can harm your memory.
What you want are high levels of anti inflammatory which you can get in a supplement that is pure and features DHA and EPA on the label. You only need the omega 3's. Don't bother with supplements that give you more omega 6's. You have enough of those in your diet. In fact, it's the imbalance in these omega's that can be leading to acne.
Omega 6 increases inflammation and is found in processed foods like pizza, fast food and frozen food. Do you eat any of those? Right. So, just concentrate on a pure omega 3 fish oil and see how fish oil helps acne.
Now that you know this, what's stopping you from visiting my website where I share about what to look for in your healthy omega 3 supplements.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Foods That Lower Cholesterol Can Help Protect Your Heart

If your body is dealing with high cholesterol and the foods you eat cause this health hazard, then reverse the condition by eating foods that lower cholesterol. These foods will also decrease the amount of fats that have accumulated in the blood stream. There is a two-prong attack needed to clear the problem.

Dietary items that lower LDL - the harmful cholesterol substance - in the system must be increased; and those that increase LDL must be decreased in intake. Without this dual approach, the results will be neutral in the attempt to make the adjustment to improve heart health.

Foods that lower cholesterol attack the problem in three different ways. One group provides soluble fiber. These fibers attach to the cholesterol cells and remove them before they get into the circulatory system. Others provide the polyunsaturated fats that directly attack these cells to lower your cholesterol readings. The third group of these health problem fighters block the body's ability to absorb cholesterol. 

Foods that fall into the group that provide the fiber are oatmeal and cold oat-based cereals such as Cheerios. When eaten for breakfast, these foods start the day off with 1 to 2 grams of soluble fiber. Including a banana or some strawberries adds another half gram. Nutrition tables recommend 20 to 35 grams of fiber per day including 5 to 10 grams of soluble fiber. Foods that contain this nutrient include barley and other whole grains, along with beans, eggplant, okra, nuts, apples, grapes, and citrus fruits. Nuts contain other nutrients as well that add to heart health.  Also substituting different vegetable oils for butter in various recipes decreases LDL. 

There are nutrients called sterols and stanols that prevent the body's ability to absorb cholesterol. These nutrients are being added to margarine, granola bars, orange juice, and chocolate by food companies. Sterols and stanols can also be purchased independently as supplements.

Other dietary foods that lower cholesterol are soy and soy based items such as tofu and soy milk. These are modestly beneficial in aiding the body with helpful adjustments to bad cholesterol. Also in this group of foods are fatty fish. This fish delivers omega-3s that reduce triglycerides in the blood stream. Focusing on just one or two of these dietary foods is not the best approach to effectively accomplish the goal of LDL reduction. It is much better to include a combination of them in the daily diet. There may be some adjustment needed to get used to different textures and flavors when you include new foods in the diet. However, the benefits of lower blood pressure and a healthier heart are well worth the sacrifice.

Bluetooth Hearing Aid Technology

When people think of Hearing Aid Accessories, they might think more of old ear trumpets than high-quality, advanced devices, but the integration of Bluetooth with hearing aid technology is changing that. Hearing aid manufacturers are lately using Bluetooth as a tool to improve their products, and each manufacturer is taking a different approach. I first became aware of Bluetooth technology and hearing aids in 2009.For knowing bluetooth hearing aids, we need to first know what bluetooth technology is. Bluetooth Hearing Aid Accessories technology is a method to exchange data over short distances, from cell phone devices. It is an open wireless protocol which creates personal area networks. So now, you need not be an Einstein to know how effective it would be, when attached to or embedded in a hearing aid. Hearing aid is a small electronic device worn at the back of the ear, to amplify sound, so that a deaf or a partially deaf individual can hear clearly.
Bluetooth Hearing Aid Accessories essentially creates a tiny wireless network between multiple devices, for a multitude of purposes. What Good is Bluetooth for Hearing Aids? Bluetooth can be used to allow a wearer's hearing aids to communicate with hands-free devices, like music players and cellphones. It can also be used to allow two hearing aids to communicate to one another, which enhances a user's hearing experience. Bluetooth hearing aids often come with an additional device, specific to each manufacturer
There are two components needed for a Hearing Aid Accessories to work in tandem with bluetooth technology. It has to be either a telecoil or Direct Audio Input (DAI).
Telecoil for starters, are small magnets in the hearing aids, which receive signals from cell phones or other devices. DAI refers to the feature common to almost all 'behind the ear' hearing aids, and allows a connection with the FM and various other options. By far, this is the most expensive bluetooth option, to use with a hearing aid.
Bluetooth hearing aids have ushered in a major revolution in the arena of hearing aids. Although not very easily available now, they will be easily accessible and available in the future. This technology will certainly do wonders for hearing aid users and what, with the digital and bluetooth devices increasing in numbers, who knows bluetooth hearing aids might be the coolest things on the earth, soon!

Useful Accessories Auditory

If you have become deaf or have difficulty following simple conversations, your disability hearing will require the help ofHearing Aid Accessories to restore your normal hearing. Because of huge advances in technology and design of prostheses Modern hearing today they have become small enough to fit in the ears of the wearer and can therefore be used without letting others know that you have hearing loss Useful Accessories Auditory that you can use is the tips Custom ear that help reduce the reactions and this accessory is also well suited for use with behind the ear (BTE) hearing aids, because they significantly lower body. And, if you encounter problems with your hearing aid fitting in the ear properly, you can use to help meet bands in spatial hearing aid more comfortably in your ears. You can also consider using sweat bands that are other useful Useful Accessories Auditory that can be used with good results because they help keep your hearing aid protected from moisture.
Hearing aid accessories has improved with development of hearing aids. Vast technology has intimated you with the fresh hearing aids accessories that support hearing aids. So, don't worry if you are a hearing loss sufferer. Because today's hearing aids are fit-worn and assisted by hearing aid accessories. It is wonderful that nobody will know\recognize that you've hearing impairment.Hearing aid technology has been constantly perfected over the past half century, with digital hearing aids the latest innovation to help individuals with auditory challenges hear both sounds and conversations much better. Hearing aid technology has travelled light years away from the initial simplistic hearing cones or horns which were non-electronic devices inserted into the ear to better direct sound waves into the ear canal.
Used Useful Accessories Auditory can be more cost efficient, especially if you are on an extremely tight budget. There are many used hearing aids that are just as good as new hearing aids, and used hearing aids sometimes work even better than newer hearing aids. Let's face it, the economy is tough now days, and not everybody can afford new hearing aids, but you are in luck because there are many places out there where you can buy used hearing aids from