Sunday, April 24, 2011

How To Get Over A Fear Of Needles

Needles are one of life's necessary evils. They get used in hospitals, dentists and occasionally other places. That doesn't mean you have to like these sharp objects. But if you've got a needle phobia, the question is how to get over a fear of needles?
Look the other way
If your needle phobia is mild, like mine, then this may be all that you need to do. If it's at the dentist, I close my eyes tight shut until I'm given the all clear. If it's on a television show like Scrubs or House, I'll glance away from the screen rather than see that needle making its entry point.
But if that is still too much of a close call for you, try some of these other options.
Ask if there's an alternative
Needle phobia is sufficiently common that most places that have to give you an injection will have come across it on a regular basis. The alternative may not be good either but at least you should be given the option of not having a needle jabbed into you when you least expect it. For instance your dentist should be able to spray you rather than inject you to anesthetize your mouth before the drilling kicks in.
Learn to relax
Instead of tensing up and doing an excellent impression of a rigid tree trunk decorated with the tight grip of white knuckles, relax. This may not be easy to do when that nasty looking mini spear is working its way towards you, so practice relaxing when the situation is less tense. Then apply your relaxation technique to the situation in hand.
Tell yourself the needle is your friend
We believe weirder things and at least this one has the virtue of being true. The needle is either going to stop you from feeling pain whilst essential work is done or it is providing protection in the form of a vaccination. Either way the small jab should be preferable to the alternative. You've just got to talk yourself round to that way of thinking.
Get help to over your fear of needles
Professional counselling is a last resort but will almost certainly be able to help. But before you get to that stage and expense, take a look at using hypnosis to get over your fear of needles. It works well and has a good success rate at reducing or even completely eliminating your fear of needles.

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