Sunday, April 24, 2011

How to Quit Smoking - Advices

As Mark Twain remarked another, "to quit smoking is easy, I threw myself 100 times". Are there still ways to get rid of this bad habit completely? The main thing that you need to do - is the presence of serious motivation. If you're going to give up cigarettes because smoking unfashionable today, following the lead of a neighbor (and worse than I am? "), Or because the Ministry of Health has once again warned the procedure is unlikely to be successful, but in vain pomuchaetes. Remember how easily people who have had a heart attack, stop drinking, smoking and go on a diet. God forbid, of course, but this is an example that when it comes about as essential motifs, a man easily finds the strength to change their habits. Do you know about the dangers of smoking for the female organism, the effect on reproductive function? So if you're going to have a healthy baby or put the sports record, then your chances of success are very high. But there is no universal recipes - you need to find something that is important to you personally. I quit smoking before the first in my life journey into the mountains, because I realized that with the stained light just does not I will go to the goal. 

So, if you have decided on the motivation, then once you buy a pack of cigarettes and tell yourself that it will last. Since then start to smoke only when it really wants. After all, most often we do not smoke because of the fact that there is a physical need, but out of habit - such as after a meal or to take a break from work. Each time, reaching for another cigarette, ask yourself, "But really I can not now smoke?". But to bring themselves up to a heart attack is also not worth it. If your smoking history for more than 10 years, then, alas, abruptly give up cigarettes, you can experience some very unpleasant symptoms. 

But sooner or later than the last packet it's over, but the desire to drag along with it will not disappear. To remove the unpleasant physical symptoms when quitting our pharmacies offer multiple means. The most popular of them - nicotine patch, nicotine gum and nicotine inhaler. With these drugs your body will get him the necessary dose of nicotine. Sales are still candy, but from personal experience I can say that a serious effect they do not have exactly a 5 minute cravings returned. In addition, you risk instead of one bad habit to get another one. 

It is best to opt for the gum. The patch you paste the whole day, so that you can not adjust the dose of incoming nicotine inhaler is not very convenient to use in public places. When you itch to smoke, use chewing gum instead of cigarettes. Taste it is not too pleasant, so you'll really use it only when necessary. Three or four days, the use of this muck, in principle, enough to say goodbye to the physical craving to smoke. 

Do not forget to tell your friends and colleagues that you've decided to quit. After that, you will simply be embarrassed to come back to this habit. 

But this is not the most important thing, albeit a very important step. Your dependence on smoking more psychological than physical. Analyze where you most often smoke. For example, if your working day you start with cigarettes, just skip this ritual, do something else, and after 20 minutes you surprised to find that smoking, in general, not very desirable. During this period, will avoid any situation in which you usually want to smoke - give up alcohol, coffee and evening preference with friends. I think that a couple of weeks you may well suffer. 

But the ease with which you will fly up the stairs to the fifth floor through these two weeks! Moreover, as scientists have found the University of California, people other than hazardous and quarrelsome nature, others more inclined to smoke. But we have no such right?

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